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Book Swap Coming

June 2020!

Book Swap Sign up Coming soon

Spring means spring cleaning and spring means its almost summer!  The PTA wants to help you clean out the books your child has grown out of and make sure they make it in the hands of another kid so they have plenty of summer reading material.


Bring your gently used books into school the first week of June.  Your child will recieve one book buck for each book they trade in (up to 5 bucks), but you are welcome to bring more books.


We then sort them by level and catagory in baskets and lined on the bleachers in the dual purpose room.  The next week teachers send thier kids with book bucks up to pick out their own "new" book.


After all the kids who traded books get to pick then we send through everyother kid in the school to get at least one book.  So with your help every kid in Rockwell has a new book to them to read over summer!


This is a fun time for the kids to truly pick thier own book.  Our volunteers do our best to make sure the kids are picking grade appropriate books,

but remember we don't know everyone's reading level.  We also don't have a list or way or searching for specific books, but can help your child early readers, chapter books, non fiction, picture books, etc.


This is usually our last PTA event of the year and can always use volunteers to help collect books in the mornings before school.  Sort the books when collection is done, and man the swap to help kids find books when classes come through.


For volunteer opportunities contact Sharon Hudy at




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